Add New Users to Notify

Add New Users to Notify

Description of Issue

Users do not have access to Notify post-installation

  • TCP Ecosystem
  • Admin Center
  • Tyler Notify module

Users have not been added to the correct product groups within the admin center.

  1. Log into Admin Center, make sure you already Org Admin permissions
  2. Go the 'Users' tab on the left side panel
  3. in 'Users' click the "+ Add User" button
    1. Create User: Follow on-screen prompts for adding user name and email address 
    2. Assign to group: This is where you want to select either the 'Notify Admin' or Notify Users' group to add new user to user depending on need
    3. Further select which environments of the above Notify groups users will be added to
    4. Click next >Review entries, click done if all looks accurate
  4. Go back to the 'Users' tab
  5. Search for one of the users just added to the Notify groups and click on their name to open User details
  6. Click on 'External links' > Click on any of the Notify links to open a window, it may open as a Notify landing page, close it and try again
  7. You will be taken to a 'Security roles'
    1. click the pencil icon
    2. scroll down to 'Data access roles'
    3. leave the 'Select Roles' box as is
    4. click 'Select Division Role' and select 'Munis'
    5. click 'Save'. The user should now have access to Notify 

*This may have to be repeated for all newly added users to Notify

Additional Information

Related article if ACFR is also in use: Unable to see content in ACFR