EPL refunds fail with the error selectPostZeroJournals

EPL refunds fail with the error selectPostZeroJournals

Description of Issue

The EPL refunds are failing due to an error

Error Message: Error executing the SQL statement selectPostZeroJournals

External batch XXXXXXX contains data validation errors and cannot be posted

Data validation errors occurred while processing external item REC-XXXXXX-XXXX

Refund element is missing Vendor Address 1

Refund element is missing Vendor City

Refund element is missing Vendor State

Refund element is missing Vendor Zip Code

  • Enterprise Permit & Licensing (EPL)

  • Refunds

  • Enterprise ERP

  • System Log


Create Zero-Dollar Journal Lines is unchecked in Accounts Receivable Settings

Munis cannot validate the refund record import as required data is missing from the CreateARRefunds XML file

The OneTimeVendorNumber in the export file does not match the One time vendor code in Enterprise ERP


Verify that Create Zero-Dollar Journal Lines is checked in Enterprise ERP:

  1. Navigate to EERP > General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Accounts Receivable Settings > Cat Specific (button)

  2. Use left and right arrow keys at bottom left to navigate to relevant AR category, e.g. 02 - MISC CASH RECEIPTS

  3. Click the Payments tab

  4. Click Update

  5. Check the Create Zero-Dollar Journal Lines box

  6. Click Accept

Verify the One time vendor code in Enterprise ERP:

  1. Navigate to EERP > General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Accounts Receivable Settings

  2. Click the Refunds tab

  3. Note One time vendor code

Verify that the One time vendor code was entered correctly in Enterprise Permitting & Licensing:

  1. In EPL, navigate to System Settings > Integration Settings > Tyler Financial > Default Tyler Financial Integration 

  2. Click Batch Manager

  3. Enter the batch number in the Batch Number field

  4. Click Search

  5. Enter the Batch Number or Batch Id (it may be necessary to search under Failed and Successful batches)

  6. Click the Batch Preview pop-out icon

  7. the batch XML will be viewable in new window

  8. Note the value in the <OneTimeVendorNumber></OneTimeVendorNumber> field to see if it matches the value in Enterprise ERP

Contact Enterprise Permitting & Licensing Support to review refund processing steps, specifically what setting or user input determines the vendor number used in the export

Contact Enterprise ERP General Billing & Misc Cash Support to test manually importing an updated XML file

Additional Information