Tyler Deploy Fails Database Deployer Duplicate StateReporting Key
Tyler Deploy Fails Database Deployer Duplicate StateReporting Key
Description of Issue
When running an update to Enterprise ERP production, it is failing with the following error from the output log:
2024-09-11 11:02:12.69402: Exception Occured During Processing:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'StateReporting.TXTSDSSSAMaintenance' and the index name 'IX_TXTSDSSSAMaintenance_Unique'. The duplicate key value is (XX, XXXXXX, <NULL>).
Enterprise ERP
Tyler Deploy
Update needed.
This issue has been resolved with a MUN. Please install the MUN corresponding to the version being ran or upgrade:
2021.10 - MUN-492622
2021.11 - MUN-492631
2021.12 - MUN-492632
2024.1 - MUN-492633
2024.2 - MUN-492634
Additional Information