General Billing Invoice Descriptions
How to modify Invoice Descriptions.
Where do descriptions on General Billing Invoices come from?
A comment is required.
Accounts Receivable
General Billing
Invoice Entry and Proof (gbinvent)
There are various reference fields available when creating General Billing Invoices. The only required Descriptions during this process are the Charge Line descriptions on the Proof Detail screen.
By default, Charge Line descriptions will automatically populate from the Charge Code (in the unlabeled box to the right of the Charge Code in the Invoice detail section), but can be replaced with user-specified information if desired. When viewing the Invoice in Invoice Inquiry, this information will show on the Detail section of the Invoice Header.
The For/Location is the main description for the Invoice record as a whole, and will appear as For/loc in the Header section in Invoice Inquiry. Please note that the Invoices program refers to this field simply as Description.
User-Defined fields can be used if additional reference fields are needed. These can be access from either the Invoice Header or Detail screen, and each will have its own set of fields.