A Fatal Error Has Occurred When Printing Motor Vehicle Abatement Certificates

Description of Issue

When printing Motor Vehicle Abatement Certificates, receive the error: Program stopped at 'mmacertf.4gl', line number 1847. FORMS statement error number -6200.  Module 'mmamvmstio': The function mmamvmstio.mmamvmstio_select(3,161) will be called as mmamvmstio_select(3,160). A FATAL ERROR HAD OCCURRED IN: mmacertf

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Abatement Entry (txabtent)

  • Print Abatement Certificates (tmacertf)

  • Version 2024.2+


Programmatic issue. 


Development is currently researching this issue. There is no workaround at this time.

Additional Information

For additional updates, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.Â