TX TSDS - Duplicate Key error trying to import Employee Assignment records

Description of Issue

I'm receiving the following error while trying to import an employee's Assignment records via Excel: 

Program stopped at 'prempass_import.4gl' line number -1540.

SQL statement error number -268 (-2601)

Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.EmployeeAssignments' with unique index 'IX_EmployeeAssignments_Unique'. The duplicate key value is (ABC, Assignment Code, Payroll Work Location Code, Begin Date and time, XYZ)

A fatal error has ocurred in: prempass

Please contact Munis Technical Support with the above error messages

  • Payroll

  • Texas

  • TX TSDS Reporting

  • Employee Assignments


Import file contains multiple rows with the same Employee Number, Assignment (TSDS Staff Service), Location (TSDS School/Campus) and Begin Date


Remove the duplicates and re-Import. 

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