Rehire not importing to Time & Attendance

Description of Issue

Employee who was set to inactive did not update to active in Time & Attendance.

  • Time & Attendance

  • EERP

  • ExecuTime

  • Rehire

  • Integrations


If you tried to manually edit the employee you would receive an error: "Error while trying to save: NAME is not allowed to access this class

This error is  saying that we are attempting to update this employee and assign a job to them and at one point they probably had a default job assigned to their profile.

To fix we have to enable Allow default values to be set on employees for Extended Job Costing.

  1. Login to Time & Attendance with Admin Access

  2. Click System Admin

  3. Click UI environment flags

  4. Enable Allow default values to be set on employees for Extended Job Costing 

  5. Click Save

  6. Click System Configuration

  7. Click Tyler Integration

  8. Run Job 5 Employee

  9. Click System Admin

  10. Click Master File Management

  11. Confirm employee has been updated.

Additional Information