One Employee does Not Integrate from EERP to Time and Attendance - Middle Name Error

Description of Issue

When trying to use the Job 5 integration (Employee Import) in Time and Attendance for a re-hired employee, the employee shows their data in the Preview File, but they do not pull in. The Integration does not fail, but there are a couple errors in the application log file. 

2024-0X-XX 09:23:53,092 ERROR org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-5) Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'middle_name', table 'ET_prod.dbo.employee'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

2024-0X-XX 09:23:53,101 ERROR net.executime.dataimport.EmployeeIntegrator (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-5) DAO Exception when trying to add a new employee.

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Master

  • Time and Attendance 

  • Tyler Integration

  • Support Utilities - Application Log


The build mapping table updates Middle Name, but the employee did not have a Middle name in EERP. 

The application log was showing it could not insert the employee due to the null value for middle name. 

  1. From within EERP, go to Employee Master (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Master)

  2. Search for the employee. Click Accept. 

  3. Click Update. Define Middle Name. Click Accept

  4. Log into Time and Attendance as Admin. 

  5. Click System Configuration. 

  6. Click Tyler Integration.

  7. Next to the Employee Import (Job 5) Click the Filter pencil. 

  8. In the Filter box define EmployeeNumber eq XXXX (Replace the Xs with the Employee Number) Click Ok. 

  9. Click the preview button (Magnifying glass) for Job 5. 

  10. Verify in the preview file it is showing only the data for the one employee, verify the middle name is displaying. 

  11. Go back into Job 5 and run the full integration (Square button with arrow). 

  12. Click Only Run Job. 

  13. Once finished, go to System Admin > Master File Management and very the employee is now in Time and Attendance. 

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