Master Article - Year end close FAQ

Description of Issue

Year end close FAQ

  • Year End Close

  • Fiscal Year End



Check our our Year End Wiki for up to date year end resources!

Can I post to last year?

Yes, to see what periods are available for posting, see How to enter journals in prior years

Can other users be in EERP during the close?

Do All Users Need to be out of Munis when Running Year End Close

How do I create a backup for year end close?

See Backup prior to processing year end  for database backup options and steps.

How do I create next year requisition and purchase order numbers?

This article will guide you through the setup of next year purchasing document numbers. How to create next year requisition and purchase order numbers


How do I update the current fiscal year if I do not use the Munis General Ledger module?

Please see this article When Not Using General Ledger - Need to Update the Current Year. Our General Ledger support team is happy to assist. 

My budget was posted, but after running year end close, it disappeared. How do I get it back?

During the Open New Fiscal Year process, post to master amounts are removed from accounts, see Post to Master for Reports Functionality for additional information. Once the year is closed, you must  post the budget using the Budget Completion Journal/Update program. Please refer to this article on the process How to post the Budget Completion Journal

Why can't I enter payments on the first day of the new fiscal year?

Charge codes are unique by fiscal year and must be created prior to taking payments in the new fiscal year.  Steps to copy charge codes to the new fiscal year can be found in this article How to Copy Charge Codes to New Fiscal Year

Also see: Transactions are going pending after new fiscal year change

Why does Month End Manager show unbalanced funds in period 13 after running the close fiscal year end program?

Year-end close journals are created during the close current fiscal year process; amounts are not carried forward until the open new fiscal year program is run. This article provides more details Month End Manager showing Unbalanced Funds in Period 13 after running Close Current Fiscal Year Program on the process. Month End Manager is not intended for reconciliation between the close and open process.

Additional Information