Employee Recurring Pay shows as 0

Employee Recurring Pay shows as 0

Description of Issue

An employee's pay code is showing an Hourly Rate, but the Recurring Pay shows 0.00. The pay is not a base pay code, but Base Pay is checked on the Cycles/Other tab. 

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Pay Master


The Category in Pay Master was changed from 1-Base Pay to 6-Misc/Other after the Pay Code had been added in Employee Job/Salary. 


Delete and re-add the pay code to allow the Base Pay box to uncheck and the recurring rate to calculate correctly.

  1. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary).

  2. Search for the Employee and Pay Code. Click Delete in the toolbar. 

    1. If in versions 2018.1 and higher, all instances of the pay code will need to be deleted.

  3. Click Add. Define applicable fields. Click Accept

    1. The Add to Base checkbox will now show unchecked from Pay Master and the Recurring Pay will show as expected.

Additional Information