Tyler Payments CSS 500 internal server error - External system returned HTTP response with a non-success status code InternalServerError

Description of Issue
  • In CSS integrated with Tyler Payments, when someone is on the checkout screen and clicks Continue, the page gives a 500 server error 

  • Receive a 500 internal server error when taking payment in CSS

  • Munis CSS Exception is: Tyler.Payments.Checkout.Clients.SwaggerException - Returned when items in the request could not be validated with the external billing system

  • Systems integration test connection in Tyler Payments will error: External system returned HTTP response with a non-success status code: InternalServerError

  • CSS

  • Tyler Payments

  • TID-C


Endpoint Address in Tyler Payments configuration unable to communicate to Munis server


Please contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal

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