Accounts Receivable Error Creating Special Condition

Description of Issue

Error Creating Special Condition Code

SpecialConditionUtilities.verifyIndividualSpecialConditionCriteria(): FAILED, no valid combinations of input arguments were passed.

  • Munis
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Special Condition Codes/Notes
  • User Attributes
  • Permissions

This issue can arise when a users Accounts Receivables permission View/maintain special condition notes is enabled but Maintain special condition codes is set to No. 

  1. Navigate to System Administration>Security>User Attributes.
  2. Confirm the scenario from the Cause section above.
  3. Search for the User Attribute for the user experiencing the issue.
  4. Under the Roles tab at the bottom of the screen, highlight the Role that has Accounts Receivable under the 'Grants Access' column.
  5. Click Edit Role 
  6. Under the Module View Tab > Click on the Accounts Receivable
  7. Click Update and update the 'Maintain special condition codes' to Add or Update only and click Accept.
  8. Have the user close out of Special Conditions/Notes and re-open the program.
  9. Attempt to Add a new Special Condition/Note.
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