Setup for Business License interest charges
Setup for interest charges on business license and business tax bills
Business License
Accounts Receivable
Charge Codes
Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Business Licenses Settings
Click Update
Choose Daily , Monthly, or Interest table from the drop down
Click Accept
Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Charge Code
Search for the charge code that you want interest to apply to
Click Update
Check off the Subject to interest box
If you chose Interest table from the Business License Settings in step 1b you also need to select an interest rate table
Click Accept
If you want this change to apply to existing unpaid bills then use the Update Bill Accounts button at the top of the page
Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Cycle Codes
Search for the cycle code associated with the license that you wish to charge interest on
Click on the Cycle Dates folder at the bottom
Confirm that the date listed under the Interest Date column is the date that you want interest charges to begin
If the date is not correct use the Update button at the top to make changes and Accept to save those changes
Any changes to this date will not reflect on existing bills unless you manually update the interest date on existing bills under the General Maint button of the Bill Adjustments program