Accounts do not pull into projection when clicking Master - Define Start Budget Projection - fund type inconsistent with projection

Description of Issue
  • User is expecting to see accounts in Next Year Budget Entry/Central Budget entry after mastering the projection  
  • Accounts have Budgetary box checked in Account Master
  • Define/Start Budget Projection
  • Account Master
  • Next Year Budget Entry
  • Central Budget Entry
  • Fund type was inconsistent with projection
  • Munis requires a separate projection for each fund type

To create a new projection matching account fund type:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Budget Processing > Define/Start Budget Projection

  1. Click GEN/Add 
  2. Enter mandatory projection information until reaching Fund Type field
  3. Select appropriate fund type
  4. Enter Projection fund range(s) that are all with the same fund type
  5. Define the rest of the projection
  6. Accept


Fund type field should be Annual funds for accounts that belong to standard fiscal year funds 

Fund type field should be Multiyear funds that budget for life for accounts that belong to multi-year life-to-date funds 

Fund type field should be Multiyear funds that budget every year for accounts that belong to multi-year funds that budget annually