FL Retirement amounts not correct

Description of Issue

After generating the FL Retirement Report employees were missing employee and employer contribution amounts.

  • Payroll
  • Florida
  • FL Retirement Report

This issue came up because some employees moved from one retirement deduction to another mid month. The FL Retirement Report was only reporting amounts from the deduction that was listed on the FL Retirement Maintenance screen. 


In order to correct this issue amounts were for the deductions were export to excel from the monthly Employee Accumulators. The employee and employer amounts were manually added to to the period records and imported back into Munis:

  1. Navigate to Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Administration > Employee Accumulators
  2. Select Search from the Menu Ribbon
  3. Define the screen as follows:
    1. Pay/Deduction = Retirement deduction (eg; 2095:2096)
    2. Frequency = M - Monthly
  4. Click Accept
  5. Click Browse
  6. Click Excel icon on the menu ribbon

Once the accumulators records have been exported

  1. Navigate to Human Capital Management > Payroll >State Specific > South > Florida > FL Retirement Report > Period Records
  2. Select Search from the Menu ribbon
  3. Enter the reporting month/year
  4. Click Accept
  5. Click Export Data

Move the employee and employer contributions from the Employee Accumulators export to the Period Records export for all employee who moved deductions mid month. Once this is complete:

  1. File > Save the period records export file 
  2. In the FL Retirement Report > Period Records screen select Import Data
  3. Select Define and browse for the period records import file
  4. Click Accept
  5. Click Import

This will update the existing period records with the correct data from the import file. Once this is complete the corrected submission file can be generated.

Additional Information