KY AFR BS Report PDF proof not generating

KY AFR BS Report PDF proof not generating

Description of Issue

The KY AFR/BS Report does not generate a proof report.

  • Financials
  • Kentucky
  • KY AFR/BS Report

The number of records generated for the KY AFR/BS prevents the PDF proof report from generating.


To generate a PDF proof for a large set of accounts:

  1. Open the KY AFR/BS Report program.
  2. Select Define and define the report parameters
  3. Select Accept
  4. Select the Save output option to save the proof report file to Saved Reports.
  5. Navigate to System Administration > Printer Device Administration > Saved Reports
  6. Click Search and use the available columns to enter information such as Effective Date, Report Title, etc. to search for the report
  7. Click Accept
  8. In the Excel ribbon select Text as PDF
  9. Select the KY AFR/BS proof report
  10. Click on Accept

This will generate a PDF for file with a large data set.

Additional Information