KY Working Budget Report multi-year fund issue

KY Working Budget Report multi-year fund issue

Description of Issue

KY Working Budget Report is reporting incorrect amounts in the Budget Appropriations column for accounts in multi-year funds.

  • Financials
  • General Ledger
  • Kentucky
  • KY Working Budget Report

The KY Working Budget Report relies on dates from the Project Master Actual date fields for the account in the multi-year fund to correctly report budget appropriations. This issue is either cause by:

  1. The Project Master Actual dates are not set correctly to exclude the project budget from being included in the year; OR
  2. The account is part of a multi-year fund and does not have an associated Project Master record

If the account(s) reporting the erroneous budget appropriations have projects:

  1. Navigate to Financials > General Ledger > Setup/Chart of Accounts > Project Master
  2. Select Search on the Menu Ribbon
  3. Enter the Project Number for the account that is reporting the incorrect amounts and click Accept on the Menu Ribbon
  4. Review the Actual date range. If the project is to be excluded from the new year set the Actual date range appropriately
  5. Click Accept to save changes

Repeat these steps for all projects that should excluded from the KY Working Budget Report.

If the account does not have a project associated with it and is part of a multi-year fund, please contact Munis Support.

Additional Information

Multi-Year FUND Facts:

  • Fund 2, Fund 22, and Fund 360 are multi-year funds consisting of Projects that can be expended over a period extending beyond one fiscal year.
  • All multi-year fund accounts are budgeted just once - in the year of its inception.
  • This Project budget remains in effect over the life of the Project, which may extend beyond a single fiscal year.
  • Each multi-year fund project must contain actual date ranges that fall within the fiscal year the grant began. i.e., Title I FY24 must have date ranges of 07/01/2023-06/30/2024. Not having the appropriate date range on projects will cause an out-of-balance situation in your Working Budget.
  • All multi-year fund accounts must have a project number. Accounts set up without a project number that have any type of activity will cause an out-of-balance situation.