Add new program to any Munis menu

Add new program to any Munis menu

Description of Issue

Add a new munis program to the Departmental Functions menu

Add a new program to any Munis menu


Departmental Functions

Menu Settings


Program missing from Munis menu (Ex: Departmental Functions)


To add a new program to the Departmental Functions menu go to:

System Administration > General Administration > Menu Settings

  1. Double click on the Menu you would like to add the program to in order to open the menu
  2. Update
  3. Tab to the menu list
  4. Tab past the last record on the list to add a new row
  5. Select Type W - Web URL from the dropdown
  6. Copy and Paste Program URL from the program into the Client Doc File column
  7. Enter the Program Name into the Caption Column
  8. Allow Access should be set to Yes
  9. Accept
Additional Information