GA CS-1 Report adjustment not showing in submission file

Description of Issue

The manual adjustments made in the GA CS-1 Report period records do not show up in the submission file

  • Payroll
  • Georgia
  • GA CS-1 Report

The Generate option was selected and the manual adjustments were overwritten with new data from Munis


Please use the following steps to ensure that manual correction to the GA CS-1 Report period records are reported in the submission file:

  1. Navigate to Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > State Specific > South > Georgia > GA CS-1 Report
  2. To make manual adjustments select Period Records from the Menu Ribbon
  3. Select Search from the Menu Ribbon to find the period records to adjust
  4. Select Update from the Menu Ribbon and make your changes
  5. Select Accept to save your changes

Once you have made your changes to the period records select Return on the Menu Ribbon to navigate back to the GA CS-1 Define screen. Follow these steps to create the submission file:

  1. Select Define on the Menu Ribbon
  2. Enter the report parameters and click Accept on the Menu Ribbon
  3. Select an Output Option (PDF, Text, Display) from the Menu Ribbon. This will generate a proof report in the output format select and will also create the ".txt" submission file that can be retrieved from the spool directory and uploaded to the reporting agency

NOTE: Do not click Generate on this screen if the period records have been manually updated. This will cause the manual changes to overwritten.

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