PA PIMS Staff Development file missing semester hours

PA PIMS Staff Development file missing semester hours

Description of Issue

The activity hours are not showing up in the PA PIMS Staff Development file for the MPOETC, NASRO, and LOCAL certification.

  • Payroll
  • Pennsylvania
  • PA PIMS Educator Report

The PA PIMS report pulls Activity hours from the Semester Hours field on the Development tab of the Employee Certification records. This is for employees who have the MPOETC, NASRO, and LOCAL certification and when the Certification radio button is selected on the PA PIMS Educator Report Staff Development Tab. If the hours are not pulling through it's either because the employee does not have a Employee Certification record that matches those, or the semester hours are not populated.

For this article, we will assume the employee has an MPOETC, NASRO, or LOCAL certification record in Employee Certifications.


If the PA PIMS Report is using the Employee Certifications to pull hours, semester hours need to be populated to report Activity Hours:

  1. Navigate to Human Capital Management > Talent Management > Certifications and Training > Certifications and Skills > Employee Certifications
  2. Select Search on the menu ribbon and enter the Employee Number in the Employee field
  3. Once the employee is selected, select the Subject Matter tab
  4. Select Update on the Menu Ribbon
  5. Select the Discipline/Subject from available options in the dropdown
  6. Enter the Semester Hours for the employee in the Semester Hours field
  7. Click Accept
  8. Once this is complete navigate to Human Capital Management > Payroll > State Specific > Northeast > Pennsylvania > PA PIMS Educator Report and regenerate the period records
  9. Select an Output Option (PDF, Text, Display) to create the Staff Development submission file. Review the proof report to confirm Activity Hours are populating for employees that have the MPOETC, NASRO, and LOCAL certification.
Additional Information