Projection Start and Status Deduction Factor Fields

Projection Start and Status Deduction Factor Fields

Description of Issue

What are the Deduction Factor fields used for in Projection Start and Status and do I need to define anything here? 

  • Munis
  • Projection Start and Status
  • Deduction and Benefit Master


The Deduction Factors fields allow users to define a deduction or deduction range that are not taken every pay period of the year. 

For example, Deduction 7000 is only taken 4 times a year each quarter instead of 26 biweekly pay periods.

  1. In the Deduction Factor fields, define the Deduction range in the Begin and End Dates (7000 to 7000).
  2. Define the number of times the deduction should be taken within the projection period in the Factor field (4).
Additional Information

Note: These fields are available for use only with deductions that have one of the following calc codes:

  • 01–AMT From Deduction Master
  • 02–AMT From Employee Deduction
  • 22–Health INS (Monthly Premium)
  • 23–Health INS (Premium Table)
  • 25–Health INS -Premium Table w/ Adjustment

To ensure correct data during posting, when you add employee deductions to a projection, the program ensures that new deductions do not overlap date ranges for the same employee and deduction combination already in the projection. In addition, employee deductions being added to the projection exclude any deductions that do not start until after the end of the projection.