Current year budget amounts exist as open GL balances when closing a Project

Description of Issue

Current year budget amounts exist on GL accounts when no budget has been posted in the current year 

  • Project Master
  • Close Project
  • Open GL Balances

When GL accounts only have Budget Request amounts displaying and no journals have been posted to the GL account


Work ticket MUN-418101 is open with development

Please contact Munis General Ledger support for further assistance 

Additional Information

To verify if the GL open balance is tied to a CY Budget requested amount:

  1. Browse to Enterprise ERP > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set Up/Chart of Accounts > Account Master
  2. Define GL account reported in the Open GL Balances report
  3. Select Amounts from ribbon
  4. Select CY Total Amounts tab
    • The bottom right of the screen will reflect the accounts budget requested amounts - these fields reflect the first 5 budget levels defined per sites GL settings