Rolling Bank Codes over with Employee Benefits Enrollment

Description of Issue

Can we roll our Bank Codes for HSA and other ACH type deductions to the new Employee Deduction codes through Open Enrollment?

  • Munis
  • Human Capital Management 
  • HCM
  • Employee Benefits Enrollment
  • Employee Deductions

User would like to roll the existing Bank Codes to the new year deductions

  • No functionality exists in the Benefits Enrollment module to allow for the existing Bank Codes to roll over to the new year Employee Deduction records
  • As a work around, we suggest to use the Employee Import to export and import the Bank Codes to the new year deductions
Additional Information
  • Please review Tyler Community > Ideas for Human Resources to submit this as an Idea or to vote an existing idea for future Munis version consideration
  • Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions