BAI Import Error Account Number XXXXXX matches no existing bank account

Description of Issue

Error importing BAI file

Failed to Parse BAI File Line

Error Report:

Account Number XXXXXX matches no existing bank account.

  • BAI Import
  • Bank Codes

Bank Account from the BAI file does not match an existing Bank Account in Munis.


There are two options to resolve:

  • Add the Bank Account into the Bank Codes program (exactly how it appears in the file - this would include any leading zeroes)

Financials > Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation > Bank Codes

  1. Search for the Bank Code
  2. Select the option for Accounts in the ribbon
  3. Add the new Bank Account


  • Edit the Bank Account number in the file being imported. We recommend reaching out to your Bank to see if they will adjust the format they are using (possibly removing any leading zeroes), so that manual adjustments to the files are not needed every time one is imported.
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