Choose Inventory Item screen in Field Work has delays in loading

Description of Issue
  • When Items role permission of Item Maintenance by Location is set to Limited, after clicking Add Inventory in Field Work, the Choose Inventory Item screen takes a long time to load

  • When Items role permission of Item Maintenance by Location is set to Full, after clicking Add Inventory in Field Work, the Choose Inventory Item screen eventually times out with an Unexpected Error

  • Enterprise Asset Management

  • EAM

  • Inventory Management




Install the appropriate work ticket for your version:

  • 2021.9.0.1571 - MUN-483250

  • 2021.10.0.1360 - MUN-484970

  • 2021.11.0.1158 - MUN-484971

  • 2021.12.0.709 - MUN-484972

  • 2024.1.0.309 - MUN-484973

Workaround:  There is currently no workaround for this issue. If you need additional assistance or to create a support case to track the issue, please contact Enterprise ERP Assets and Civic Support.

Additional Information