Error deleting from temp table in Cashiering when processing permit payments

Description of Issue

A yellow triangle appears next to all permit (cat 10) payments, along with a message that reads Error(s) reported by Munis:\r\n2. Error deleting from temp table. (ID: 8202 Status:). Resubmit does not resolve the issue.

  • Cashiering 

  • Munis

  • Permits & Code Enforcement

  • Role & Permissions


Munis is blocking the payment from being processed. One possible cause is Munis user permissions.


Update the user's Munis role to include the ability to collect permit fees:

  1. Navigate to System Administration > Security > Roles

  2. Search for the user's role

  3. Click on the Permits and Code Enforcement folder

  4. Set the Collect Fees dropdown to something other than No

  5. Click Accept

Additional Information

This error also occurs when there is no balance due on the permit or when the permit record is being accessed elsewhere.  Please see the following articles for additional information:

Permit does not have a balance due in Cashiering

Permit was paid in Munis prior to being paid in Cashiering

Error deleting from temp table when paying permits in Cashiering