Email stopped working after upgrade

Description of Issue

Email stopped working after we were upgraded.

  • Munis

  • Enterprise ERP

  • SMTP

  • Email

  • Tyler Systems Management (TSM)

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)


Either Email is currently setup using spoofing which email providers block or the new servers were not allowed in the Email Firewall.

  1.  Check for Spoofing (when email is sent from Tyler but pretends to be sent from the client) if using our saasmail relay

    1. Log into Munis

    2. Go to the Tyler Menu

      1. Click on System Administration

      2. Click on General Administration

      3. Click on System Settings

    3. Click on the Email tab 

      1. Verify the SMTP field is saasmail and the admin email address is  

      2. Change the admin email address to if it is not

  2. Verify the following is allowed in your SMTP firewall:

    • (Barracuda)

    • (All others)

    •  (ASA's Private interface)

Additional Information

Coontact Tyler Systems Management SaaS Support for further assistance.