VA New Hire Report - Employees that are not new hires are being included

Description of Issue

Employees are being included that do not have a Hire Date within the defined range. 

  • Payroll
  • Virginia
  • VA New Hire Report

The employee received a check within the defined date range and it is the first check received in at least 60 days.


Submit the report.  State of Virginia requires these emps to be included.

"Employers must also report any employee who remains on the payroll during a break in service or gap in pay, and then returns to work after 60 days."

Additional Information

Employees will Generate into the VA New Hire Report:

  • If the Hire Date on the Employee Master falls within the defined generate date range AND the New Employee field is check marked.
  • If the employee has received a check within the defined date range and it is the first check received in at least 60 days.

Reference for more information on Virginia's new hire reporting requirements.Â