Database view that stores budget amounts for Multi-Year Life-to-Date accounts

Description of Issue

What is the database view/table that stores budget amounts for Multi-Year Life-to-date (MY LTD) accounts

  • Account Inquiry
  • Account Master

View needed for custom SSRS report


The budget amounts are stored on the dbo.gl_master view

Additional Information

Current Year information
my_orig_bud_fy (Original Budget)
my_bud_xfr_in_fy (Transfer In)
my_bud_xfr_out_fy (Transfer Out)
my_rev_bud_fy (Revised Budget)

Life to Date information
my_orig_bud_ltd (Original Budget)
my_bud_xfr_in_ltd (Transfer In)
my_bud_xfr_out_ltd (Transfer Out)
my_rev_bud_ltd (Revised Budget)