Utility Billing Work Orders Integration Upgrade Tool
How to complete the Utility Billing Work Orders Integration Upgrade Tool
- Munis
- Utility Billing
- Utility Billing Work Orders Integration Upgrade Tool
Sites upgrading from 11.3 to versions 2018 and up need to complete the Utility Billing Work Orders Integration Upgrade Tool and sites that do not use the EAM module may not have the necessary fields already entered into Munis
Complete UB WO Migration Setup Program using the information below
Within the UBWO Migration Setup program, you must specify the department for mapping Utility Billing records to the Asset Maintenance module:
- Click Update.
- In the Meter Departments and Asset Types group, for each type of Utility Billing meter, assign a work order department (Administrative Department) and an alphanumeric identifier for the type of meter (Asset Type).
For Water, Electric, Gas, and Other meter types:
- Administrative Department—The Work Order Department that will be the owner of all assets of this meter type.
- Asset Type—The Asset Type Code that will represent the assets of this type. This can align with current Asset Maintenance asset types if the Asset Maintenance/EAM module is being used or can be something as simple as WATER for water meters and ELECTRIC for electric meters.
- In the Flat Inventory Departments group, from the Department list, designate a work order department (Administrative Department) for each code that has been created in the Utility Billing
- Administrative Department—The Work Order Department that will be the owner of all assets of this item code type.
Default Flat Inventory Department—The chosen department is the default value for the Department field for flat item codes that are created. This value can be updated at any time, even after the migration is complete.
Default UB Servicing Department—The chosen department is the default value for the Department field for Utility Billing work orders that are created. This can be updated at any time, even after the migration is complete. This department will be assigned to all service orders that do not currently have a department chosen on a record. If a different department is required for Utility Billing work orders, you must update the record prior to the upgrade.