Some employees are not in the Detail Proof Report in Payroll

Description of Issue

I have a couple employees who are not showing on the Detail Proof Report.

  • Munis
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Earnings and Deductions Proof
  • Payroll Control Settings
  • Employee Master

Payroll Control setting, Use Check Location for Payroll Location, was set to Y. Check Location was missing in Employee Master.

  1. Go to Employee Master. (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Master)
  2. Search for the employee. Click Accept. Click Update. Define the Check Location. Click Accept. 
  3. Go into Payroll Start and Status. (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status)
  4. Search for the warrant. Click Accept. Click Change. Click Earnings and Deductions. Confirm Active Payroll warrant prompt. Click Yes.
  5. Search for the employee. Click Accept. Click Delete. Choose Yes to Delete prompt. 
  6. Click Add. Add the employee back into Earnings and Deductions with the applicable pays/withholdings. Click Accept. Click Return.
  7. Click Earnings and Deductions Proof. Click Define. Define Proof Option of B-Detail proof. Click Accept. Choose output option. 
  8. Confirm employee is now showing on the Detail Proof Report.  
Additional Information