Processing Notification Displays Indefinitely when Mass Creating Project

Description of Issue

Why does mass creating a project not complete?

  • Mass Project/Account Creation/Deletion
  • Account Master

The Mass Project/Account Creation/Deletion program does not show a 'Completed' notification and the 'Processing...' notification stays on screen

  • MUN-245853 is open with Development add a completion message if the creation process is successful. 

Check if process completed:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set Up/Chart of Accounts > Account Master

  1. Search
  2. Enter [new project code] in Project code field
  3. Accept
  • If the account(s) display the process completed
  • If the account(s) do not display check later
  • If the the process does not complete, please reach out to General Ledger Support for additional assistance. 
Additional Information

Account creation can also be verified in Account Inquiry:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Inquiries and Reports > Account Inquiry