Can Not run the Final Proof in payroll again

Can Not run the Final Proof in payroll again

Description of Issue

I have already run the final proof in payroll, and Munis will not allow me to run it again.

  • Enterprise ERP
  • Payroll Processing
  • Earnings and Deductions Proof
  • FInal Proof report

Final proof had already been run.


 Report option B - Detail Proof contains the same data as the Final Proof and can be run as many times as necessary.

  1. Go into Earnings and Deductions Proof (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. Click Earnings and Deductions Proof)
  2. Click Define. Select Report Option B-Detail Proof. Click Accept
  3. Choose output option and create Proof. 

The Final Proof in payroll can only be run once unless the user needs to go back into Earnings and Deductions to make changes, and the Employee Update step has not been completed.

  1. Go into Earnings and Deductions (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. Click Earnings and Deductions)
  2. Process Payroll prompt will display noting current active warrant. Click Yes
  3. Proof Complete prompt will display asking Proceed in Inquiry-only mode? Click No
  4. Click Return to Payroll Start and Status. The Vendor Processing and Earnings and Deductions Proof steps will now show as green and will need to be re-processed.
Additional Information

The final proof can only be run once as it completes the Earnings and Deductions Proof step of the payroll. The detail proof can be re-run at any time and contains the same data.