Customers are not directed back to CSS after making a payment when using OpenEdge as payment processor

Description of Issue

After making a payment in CSS users are left on the OpenEdge site instead of being directed back to CSS






Utility Billing


MSS hosting site is not configured to direct users back to CSS


In order for users to be directed back to CSS after making an online payment when the site is using OpenEdge as their payment processor the following two settings must be configured in MSS Hosting.

  1. In MSS Hosting click on Edit in Client Configuration then click on Payment Services > Change on payment service being updated
  2. Postback URL should be https://<CSS ROOT URL>/PaymentConfirmation.ashx?svc=0&client=1& (see additional information to get root URL)
  3. Check in field for Display payment results using CSS confirmation page
  4. CSS Receipt Page Url should be https://<CSS ROOT URL>/citizens/payments/confirmation.aspx
Additional Information

Commonly required when setting up CSS to integrate with CC Vendors, these steps will outline how to find your base(root) URL.

  1. Navigate to your MSS/CSS page
  2. From the menu, select Home
  3. The URL at this page should be similar to YourMSSURL/MSS/default.aspx
  4. Remove /default.aspx and you have your base(root) MSS URL