Time Entry Vendor Import - Selected subtract from base in error

Description of Issue

When moving time from vendor import into payroll, I accidentally clicked on Yes to subtract from base instead of No.

  • Munis
  • Time Entry
  • Vendor Import
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Generate Earnings and Deductions

Regenerate the payroll, purge the existing records in Vendor Import, reload the file then move to payroll.

  1. Go to Payroll Start and Status. (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Payroll processing>Payroll Start and Status)
  2. Click on Generate Earnings and Deductions. Click Execute. 
  3. Generate Options prompt will display. Click Delete.
    1. This will delete everything existing within Earnings and Deductions and replace it with the new generate, including the records moved from the Vendor Import program in Time Entry. The records will still be in Vendor Import and will still show, Posted to PR.
  4. Go into Time Entry. (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Time Entry Processing>Time Entry)
  5. Click on Vendor Import in the menu.
  6. Click Purge in the menu. Click Yes to Delete Posted prompt that reads, WARNING! This process will delete all posted records in the active set. Do you wish to continue?
  7. Click Load in the menu. Define Vendor Import Load box with File, Path and Form ID. 
  8. Click Yes to Import Rate prompt. 
  9. Click Move in the menu.
  10. Post Vendor Import Records to Payroll box will appear. Click Execute. 
  11. Generate Options prompt will display. Click Continue. 
    1. This will add the loaded vendor import records to what is existing in Earnings and Deductions in the payroll. 
  12. Print or Save Proof report.
  13. Post Records prompt will display. Click Yes.
  14. Subtract from Base prompt will display. Click No.  

Clicked Yes to Subtract From Base prompt instead of No when moving records to payroll, causing incorrect hours in payroll. 

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