VA New Hire Report - Missing employees

Description of Issue

The New Hire Report is not including an expected new employee

  • Payroll 
  • Virginia
  • VA New Hire Report

The New Employee option in the Employee Master was not check marked. 


Check mark the option in the Employee Master. 

Additional Information
  • New Employee checkbox is automatically check marked when a record is added in the Employee Master
  • New Employee checkbox is automatically unchecked when the emp is included in a VA New Hire Report Generate.
  • Employees will Generate into the VA New Hire Report:
    • If the Hire Date on the Employee Master falls within the defined generate date range AND the New Employee field is check marked.
    • If the employee has received a check within the defined date range and it is the first check received in at least 60 days.

Reference for more information on Virginia's new hire reporting requirements.Â