Error Creating W-2 Register - No W-2 records exist for 2019.

Description of Issue

I have all my employees in the Employee W-2 program, but I am getting an error trying to create my W-2 Register from the W-2 Wizard.

Error reads, No W-2 records exist for 2019.

  • Munis
  • W-2 Wizard
  • W-2 Register
  • The Employee Number range for employees to include was defined as 0 to 0.
  • The LIT code was defined with a range that is not assigned to any employees.

In 2019 W-2 Wizard on Step 4. Register:

  1. Click on the Employees to Include in Register Tab. 
  2. Update the Employee Number field to 0 to 999999.
  3. Update the LIT Code range blank to ZZZZZZ.
  4. Click Create Register tab. Output desired W-2 Register Report. 
Additional Information