Access Violation Error on Time Sheet

Access Violation Error on Time Sheet

Description of Issue

Employee was a part time employee when his status was updated in MUNIS to Full time. Now getting an access violation no matter what role is assign them in Executime. 

  • ExecuTime

  • Time & Attendance

  • Version 2018.4.32

  • EERP (Munis)

  • Positions


With version 2018 of ExecuTime, there cannot be an effective start date in the middle of a pay period. This functionality is added to EERP Versions 2021.8 and higher and Time and Attendance 2021.3.4 and higher under the Job 12 Employee/Job Class Integration. 

To correct this, edit the effective start date to be the start date of the pay period. 

  1. Log into EERP.

  2. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)

  3. Search for the employee and current base pay. Note the effective date. 

    1. It's recommended to take screenshots of the pay and the associated pays so when deleted and re-added the original information can be added back.

  4. Click Delete in the toolbar. This will remove the base pay and all associated pays. 

    1. If that was the only base pay the employee had, click Add. Populate all the applicable fields. Define the Effective Date to equal the Payroll Period Start Date. Click Accept

      1. Add any associated pays that did not automatically populate. 

    2. If the employee had a prior base pay. Click Duplicate in the toolbar while on the Base Pay record.

      1. Define the new effective date and other necessary information. Click Accept

      2. Verify all associated pays populated as expected. 

  5. Go back into Time and Attendance.

    1. The pay code(s) should now be available on the days needed.


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