Master Article - Payments Unreconciled Transactions

Master Article - Payments Unreconciled Transactions

Description of Issue

There are a number of transactions appearing in the Unreconciled Transactions list in Payments Administration. How do we clear this list? 

  • Tyler Payments Administration 
  • Unreconciled Transactions
  • Failed Reconciliations 
  • Tyler Payments
  • Tyler Portico
  • EERP
  • Enterprise ERP
  • Munis

An Unreconciled Transaction marks an incident where a citizen was charged for a bill payment, money was received by the site, but the transaction was unable to send to EERP. This results in the bill that has been paid being reflected as unpaid, and no record of the transaction exists yet in the General Ledger. An Unreconciled Transaction or Void can be retried, if the source of the disconnect can be addressed and resolved, or manually entered and marked as complete. 

In every instance of an Unreconciled Transaction, the citizen tied to the payment was charged and money was received.

In every instance of an Unreconciled Void Transaction, the citizen tied to the return has already received their money back.

No confirmation is necessary with a site's bank/deposit. 

Additional Information