All Payments Going to Unreconciled Transaction List

All Payments Going to Unreconciled Transaction List

Description of Issue

Every Payment made over the course of a day is appearing in the Unreconciled Transaction list in Payments Admin. No transactions are reflected in EERP. 

  • Tyler Payments Administration 
  • Unreconciled Transactions
  • Failed Reconciliations 
  • Tyler Payments
  • Tyler Portico
  • EERP
  • Enterprise ERP
  • Munis

The corresponding Payment Entry batch is locked or was manually released, breaking the connection between Payments and EERP. 

  1. Navigate to EERP > General Revenue > Payment Processing > Payment Entry
  2. Search or Browse for the corresponding tylerpayments batch. 
  3. Doubleclick into the batch. 
  4. Click the Resume toolbar option. 
  5. A prompt may appear asking if you would like to unrelease the batch. Click Yes
  6. Return to Payments Administration
    1. Payments Admin URL
  7. Navigate to Unreconciled Transactions
  8. Select Mass Retry. Click Yes when prompted. 
  9. Wait 1-2 minutes. 
  10. Reload the page. 
Additional Information

How to find the corresponding tylerpayments Batch number in Payments Admin:

  1. In Payments Administration, navigate to Batch History. 
  2. Click into the Batch. 
  3. Refer to the External Batch number field. This will show a Merchant code, followed by the fiscal year, followed by the EERP batch number (CSS-2024-12345, eg.)

Master Article - Payments Unreconciled Transactions