Employee Accumulators-Accrual Increment

Employee Accumulators-Accrual Increment

Description of Issue

In Employee Accumulators, there are records marked with the Accrual Increment frequency and the year 1995. What are these Accumulators used for?

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Accumulators

  • Accrual Tables

  • Employee Accruals


Accrual Increment accumulators are used to maintain hours worked by an Employee who earns time for an Accrual Table set to Earning Method 04: Via Payroll By Increment. This Earning Method earns the Amount defined on the Service Levels once an employee has passed the defined Increment amount of hours worked. These hours are tracked using the Employee Accumulators with the Accrual Increment frequency so that a running balance is maintained and employees will earn the time correctly.

For example: 
Employee works 37 hours in a payroll under pay code 100, which is set to Add to a Type 2 Accrual balance. The Accrual Table is set to earn 1 hour for every 40 hours worked.  After running the Employee Update, search in Employee Accumulators for Employee Number, Type: Earnings, Pay Code: 100, Frequency: Accrual Accumulator. There will be a value of 37 hours defined in the Hours field. On the next payroll, the employee works 36 hours under the same pay code. The Employee Accumulator record will now show 73 hours, and Employee Accruals will show that the employee earned 1 hour of time under Type 2. These hours will continue to accumulate each payroll, and 1 hour will be earned each time the total passes an increment of 40.


Additional Information

Accrual Increment Accumulators are always marked with the year 1995 like any other Inception type accumulators.


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