Report GL Balance by date

Description of Issue

What is the best report to run to show what a GL balance of an account would be as of a specific date?

  • Account Detail History Report

  • Reporting

  • Effective Date


Site needs to narrow down reporting by specific effective dates not just by year and period

  1. Browse to Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Account Detail History Report

  2. Define

  3. Enter Account selection criteria to define a record set of accounts

  4. Accept

  5. Enter report options as needed

    • Year and period range

    • Include entries between dates

  6. Accept

  7. Output using preferred method

    • Print

    • Display

    • PDF

    • Excel

  8. Review output report

    • Browser configuration will determine how report is sent to user's workstation

      • Browser tab

      • Opened in stand alone program

      • Users download directory, prompt on upper right hand side or in lower task bar

Additional Information

Account Inquiry detail mode can also select by year, period and effective date range but does not present data in a formatted report output.