Unreconciled Void in Payments
A transaction is rejected, returned, or manually voided via Tyler Payments. The negative receipt record goes to the Unreconciled Transaction list. The original transaction, which before was not in the Unreconciled list, is now also in the list.
The error message Failed to process void transaction 0 in external system is shown as the Reconciliation Status.
- Tyler Payments Administration
- Unreconciled Transactions
- Failed Reconciliations
- Tyler Payments
- Tyler Portico
- Enterprise ERP
- Munis
The original receipt being included along with the void is expected behavior if the void fails reconciliation. The steps below will clear both transactions from the list.
- If the void is seen in Unreconciled Transactions the day it is processed, attempt to Retry Reconciliation.
- Opt. Diagnose the connection issue. If issue can be addressed and corrected, repeat step 1.
- Manually reverse the payment record in EERP.
- In Payments Admin, navigate to Unreconciled Transactions.
- Drill into the transaction that was manually reversed in EERP.
- In the ellipse, choose Mark Voided.
- Note: If the original transaction is clicked into, first select View Related Transaction, then follow step 6.
If a Void is successfully retried or marked as voided, the void and the original receipt will both clear from the Unreconciled list.
There is a setting in Payments Administration that dictates whether a return or void will automatically cancel the payment in EERP. If this setting is off, all voids will fail reconciliation until they are manually reversed and marked. If you suspect that this setting is not enabled for a particular billing category or overall, contact Payments Support who can enable this feature. Site must use EERP 2021.4 or higher to utilize this feature.
A Tyler Payments batch will not close if there are unreconciled transactions from that day. Once reconciliations have been resolved, the batch will automatically close. If the corresponding EERP batch has been posted manually, the following steps will mark the batch as closed in Payments:
- Navigate to Batch History.
- Find the batch from the day this transaction was originally taken. It will likely show a status of Open.
- Click into the batch. In the ellipse, choose Mark as Closed.