Chart of Accounts Inquiry - Error in generateReportSQL - Internal error in the database library

Description of Issue

Generating report with Sub-Rollup Code in Sequence dropdown triggers error
Munis (Gltbalsq)
Error in generateReportSQL.
Additional information concerning a status error of -6319 -1
Internal error in the database library. Set FGLSQLDEBUG to get more detail

Message="Error opening reportData." 
Value="Internal error in the database library. Set FGLSQLDEBUG to get more details.

System Log:
Error in generateReportSQL
Message - Error opening report data

  • Chart of Accounts Inquiry (gltbalsq)

  • Sub Rollup Code

  • Error Message


Drill Sequence Sub Rollup Code is triggering error when generating when it should be able to be used without error

  1. Log a case with Financial General Ledger Support to link a case to open development work ticket

    • Primary site contact will receive email notifications and case status update to Update Available once work ticket has been completed and released

  2. Load MUN-461711 once it is available and test to confirm issue no longer occurs

Additional Information