When users take Payroll Detail History results to excel it does not open and no error displays

Description of Issue

When users search in Payroll Detail History, results cannot export directly to Excel. User needs to browse the records first and then click Excel. In addition, some data is missing. 

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll Support

  • Payroll

  • Employee History

  • Payroll Detail History

  • Security

  • Roles


Users did not have full Data Access to Deductions. Permissions will need to be updated by Admin or IT.

  1. Navigate to System Administration>Security>Roles

  2. Search for Role and Click Accept.

  3. Click on HR Management/Payroll folder.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Under Data Access, click yellow folder next to Deduction Type Maintenance Access.

  6. Click Full.

  7. Click Back.

  8. Click Accept. 

Additional Information
  • User will need to log out and log back in again to see changes.

  • For users to be able to take search results straight to Excel and bypass browse the user will need Full Data Access on Deduction, Location Org and Pay. 

  • Users who do not have full access to the data will still be able to search and return results but the user will need to click Browse to Export, and limited fields will be available to export to Excel.