Change or Update Acres on a Tax Parcel

Description of Issue

Need to change or update the acres on a tax parcel.

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Parcels (txremast)

  • Acres


An acre value has changed or needs to be corrected.

  1. Navigate to the Parcels program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Processing and Reports > Parcels

  2. Click Search.

  3. If it asks if it should search for Current or Tax records, choose Current to update the current record and Tax to update that year's tax record. (Only current records may be updated unless in the middle of an active bill run. If in the middle of an active bill run, then records for that tax year may be updated. Records for past tax years are locked and cannot be changed.)

  4. Enter the Parcel ID. 

  5. Click Accept. 

  6. Choose Values. 

  7. Click the Value that needs to be updated to highlight it. 

  8. Click Accept. 

  9. Click Update. 

  10. Update the Acres field.

  11. Click Accept. 

Additional Information

To add brand new values to a parcel, please follow the steps outlined here: Add Values to a Parcel