Creating custom permissions groups in Content Manager
Creating custom permissions groups in Content Manager
Description of Issue
Creating a custom MU_ permissions group in TCM.
How to restrict access to specific document types using Content Manager custom permissions groups.
- Tyler Content Manager
- CM
- Content Manager
- Permissions
- Munis
- Enterprise ERP
Need to create specific permissions or access for users based on specific document types outside of the standard MU_ permission groups.
It is not recommended to change or modify the standard permission groups within TCM as they will revert and get overwritten when upgrades happen, thus erasing any changes to those permission groups.
Create the new MU_ TCM security group in the TCM Full Client:
- Launch the TCM Full Client and log in with an admin level ID
- Navigate to Administration > Security Manager > Groups
- Find an existing group that has the base level of access that needs further modification for restriction and click it once to highlight it
- Click the Duplicate Selected Item this is the double paper icon in the upper right hand corner
- Create a name for the Group ID field,
- For example MU_HR_RESTRICTED
- This must be 20 or less total characters
- This must start with MU_ to be able to sync properly with Munis EERP
- Adjust the Group Name to have a description that notes what the access level is for
- Follow the folder path under the permissions section to drill down to the specific doc type that needs specific restriction
- For example tyler > empire > document > doccode > AP > 1099N
- Click once on the specific doccode type to highlight it and click the Add Permission button from the Permissions toolbar (the blank page)
- This created a new line in the Resource table to the right where you can mark the checkboxes as needed.
- For more information on what each does, refer to the Overview of CM access provided through MU_ security groups
- To completely restrict access for the doccode selection leave all checkboxes empty as this will remove all permissions including the Read access for viewing permissions
- Repeat steps 7 & 8 as needed
- Review the Selected Users in the bottom right as duplicating an existing assigned group will copy all of the assigned users from that original group into this new one, remove as needed
- Click OK
- Navigate back to Munis:
- Launch the Tyler Menu
- Navigate to System Administration > General Administration > TylerCM for Munis Settings
- Proceed to reset the Master Password and Rebuild CM Cache
- The new custom CM permission group is now ready to assign to a Munis Role
Additional Information