There is no target fund defined error in Recurring Journal Entry Generate

Description of Issue

When clicking the Due To/Due From button in Recurring Journal Entry/Generate, the following error occurs:

There is no target fund defined.

  • General Journal Entry/Proof

  • Due To/Due From


This error occurs if the Due to/Due from fund field is blank.

This field determines how the Due To/Due From lines are generated on the journal. If the field is blank the Due To/Due From lines cannot be generated.


The Due to/Due from fund field must be used to resolve the error when trying to generate the DTDF lines.

  1. Search for the journal in Recurring Journal Entry/Generate

  2. Click Update

  3. Fill in the Due to/Due from fund field

  4. Click Accept

  5. Retry generating the DTDF lines by clicking the button again

Additional Information