Period 13 Missing from Account Inquiry Months Option

Description of Issue
  • Site upgraded to 2019.1 and now period 13 missing from Months option in Account Inquiry
  • Why doesn't period 13 monthly amounts display in Account Inquiry 
  • Account Inquiry
  • Monthly Amounts
  • 2019.1

Display issue, the data is in the system but not displayed in this screen.

  1. Contact Financials General Ledger Support or log an Online Support Client Portal case categorized as General Ledger & Account Inquiry
  2. Support will link work ticket MUN-368328 so site's primary case contact will receive an email notification when it is completed
  3. Site IT will load completed work ticket from MIU
  4. Confirm issue has been resolved and if not contact Support or log a follow up 
Additional Information

Use Account Master's Amount option to view current or prior monthly amounts for periods including period 13 not displaying in Account Inquiry at this time