Auto match is not matching checks - Customer Reference has leading spaces in BAI file

Description of Issue
  • Checks are not auto matching even though check numbers and amounts match transactions in Munis.
  • There are 1 or more spaces before the check number in the Customer Reference field of the BAI import file.
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager
  • Check Matching
  • BAI Import

Leading spaces in Customer Reference field of BAI import file

  • MUN-391917 has been released by Development allow auto match of records even if there are leading spaces in the Customer Reference. 
  • The BAI import file, Customer Reference Number field, should allow leading zeros and spaces. During import the leading spaces and/or zeros should be trimmed automatically by Munis and automatch should complete successfully based on the remaining field values. 
  • Sites should not modify BAI files. 
  • Support can remove leading spaces from Customer Reference for imported bank lines. 
  • Financial institution may be able to provide a BAI file that does not have leading spaces in the Customer Reference (check number) field. 
Additional Information

For example, the first import record would successfully automatch with check #100


This record would not:


Auto-Match Process Not Matching Transactions - Leading Zeroes for Customer Reference Number in BAI File